"My treatment has made a tremendous difference in my life. Becky is so thorough & professional & kind. The technician provided exceptional care that made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Thank you!" - TMS Patient
TMS Therapy
Olympic Psychiatric Care has added TMS Therapy services to our clinic! Come find out why patients are giving us 5 star ratings for our Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation services!
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a highly effective, FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment for patients with Major Depressive Disorder who haven't responded to antidepressants and other treatments.
TMS utilizes pulses of magnetic energy similar in strength to those produced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines to stimulate areas of the brain known to control mood.
If you suffer from major depressive disorder (MDD) and have not had adequate response with medication and psychotherapy, this may be the treatment for you!
For more information, contact us today!
"Thank you for everything. I'm so glad I got this opportunity. Everyone here was wonderful." -TMS Patient
"Once I got used to the treatment, the experience was positive. I looked forward to coming, and the treatment was relaxing." - TMS Patient
"It was a very positive experience." - TMS Patient
TMS utilizes pulses of magnetic energy similar in strength to those produced by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines to stimulate areas of the brain known to control mood.
TMS therapy is covered by most major insurances.
TMS is currently approved for MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) only.